128,000 people in London are without any family doctor. Team Bonnie Guarantee You a Family doctor. Ford and his Conservatives put their friends first, Liberals put families first AND thats the difference. Tariq Khan
London – the fifth largest populous city in Ontario, one of the fastest growing cities in Canada, a regional headquarter of South Western Ontario and the heart of London is London North Centre. It’s been my home riding since my first day in London.
Communities are struggling, cars are stolen from our own driveways, Youth unemployment is highest in the country. Londoners never felt this level of anxiety & insecurity before.
Downtown, City hall, Western University, Fanshawe Downtown campus, University hospital, St. Joseph hospital, VIA rail station all are in London North Centre. However, despite all attractions and importance, somehow the riding has badly failed in getting any noticeable attention from the province since NDP turned it orange in 2018. Simply put, it is just a lack of effective voice from its representative in Queens park. Liberals have the strategies & proven solutions rather than just slogans.
Tariq Khan is running to be your next Member of Provincial Parliament to give Londoners the strong voice you deserve at Queen’s Park, which quite frankly has been missing under the stewardship of the NDP. It’s important to learn and not repeat the same mistakes.