About Tariq

A proud Londoner, sportsman by nature, and a music lover at heart, loving father and husband, Tariq is a passionate community leader who has always strived to contribute his diverse experience, exposure, community engagement skills and multilingual capabilities towards the betterment of the city and local society by continuing to be an active member of the community.

Tariq possesses a wealth of experience with over three decades spent in senior management positions within the public, private, non-profit and health sectors.  These crucial decision making roles he has worked in over those years have provided him with a vast array of knowledge, expertise — and most importantly — experience, in regards to the management and governing of large scale organizations.

Tariq’s years of experience include training and work within provincial and federal legislatures during his past government service. He has also led the London Transit Commission as Commissioner as well as vice chair during his 2018-2022 term.

Currently, Tariq holds the following roles within the community, including:

Director, Cancer Registries Canada Governor, Western Fair Association Canada Board Lt. Governor, Optimist International Midwestern Zone 8 President, Optimist Club of North London Chair, Court of Revision, City of London  Chair, Integrated Transportation Advisory Committee City of London  Administrator, MedService, a London-based family health clinic.

Tariq is an experienced software developer and app creator who offers his services free of charge to help write and develop apps that support Canadian cancer patients and medical staff.


128,000 people in London are without any family doctor. Team Bonnie Guarantee You a Family doctor. Ford and his Conservatives put their friends first, Liberals put families first AND thats the difference. Tariq Khan